Do you believe that God or the universe sends us signs to direct us onto the best path? That if we tune in well enough, pay attention, and read the signals that we’ll make the better choice?
Well, I’ve decided to start a local and online business selling vintage, retro, antique, salvaged, industrial, and repurposed items for the home. Enter Purple Monkey Manor.

- First and foremost, I love to hunt for treasure at flea markets, garage sales, auctions, and anywhere else for that matter. That is evident in the state of my garage.
- I also enjoy decorating my home with things with a story and meaning. Where the piece comes from or its history is more important to me than the price tag or brand name.
- My house can only hold so many New Old Desks, Crochet Circles Afghans, and Reclaimed Wood Projects.
- It’s a great way to break out of my reclusive tendencies and meet people in my new hometown.
- I need to feel productive and working towards something.
- Hopefully, I can turn it into a bit of income for my family.

Yesterday, I staged a pretty little grouping of this weekend’s finds in front of our firewood stack and started to question the universe’s opinion of my plan. It took a couple of tries before everything was visible. Not only was my finger in the first one, but the ammunition can vanished in the shadow of the firewood.

Attempt two had an added addition that I hadn’t planned on (and I still hadn’t noticed the ammo can problem.)
Attempt three is where questioning the fates hit hard. Right before I took this shot, the one I ultimately used, the dog squatted in front of the ammo can and urinated. I’m a bit sorry I didn’t catch the image.
I DO believe that there is a divine creator. I DO believe that this creator will guide you if you look for guidance. I DON’T believe that this guidance came to me via beagle urine. I think that our creator has given us a “gut instinct” that we should listen to, an inner voice that speaks clearly once we’re tuned into it. My gut is telling me that I’m on the right path with this business idea. I’m excited.