Have you wondered how big are IOD molds (or moulds as the IOD sisters like to say)? Although older Gen 1 moulds can vary in size, all current IOD Moulds are 6 inches by 10 inches. We’ve laid a grid over each of these moulds so that you can see the approximate sizes of each element. If you are working with a tight space and size is very important, it would be better to reach out and let your stockist get an exact measurement.
Acanthus Baubles – Limited Edition Birdsong Blitz – Limited Edition Cameos Classic Elements Farmers Market Fleur de Lis Frames I Frames II He Loves Me Holly Lane – Limited Edition Grapes Horse and Hound Jingle – Limited Edition Laurel Lock and Key Monarch Olive Crest Rosettes Roses Sea Sisters Seashells Sunflowers Swags Trimmings I Trimmings II Trimmings III Victoria Wings and Feathers
For more information on IOD moulds, visit the Moulds information page on the IOD website.