We were so excited to have our Painted Mandala On A Barstool video hosted on Debi’s Design Diary’s new YouTube channel DIY-aGoGo. It premiered on April 1, 2020.
My 2nd Grader received an art assignment to create a mandala for e-school. As a hoarder of craft supplies, I was ready to over-engineer the heck out of it. Also, I needed to wrap up filming for my first DIY-aGoGo video. Voila, two birds with one prettily painted stone.
My little guy’s favorite color of DIY Paint is Blue Iris so that’s where we started. We picked some complementary colors and some contrasting colors. Including Carnival Red, Hey Sailor, Water Lily, and Monet’s Garden. We finished up by sealing it with three coats of clear wax.

We collected items from around the house. Our painting tools included a soda pop lid, cotton swabs with varying amounts of cotton pulled off, canning jar rings, a wooden dowel, and a popsicle stick.
It took a lot for me to embrace the imperfections. Especially at the beginning, but it’s grown on me. It also is evidence of my son crafting with me every once in a blue moon. I enjoyed this so much, that I’ve already decided on my next surface for a mandala.
Below you’ll find the Painted Mandala On A Bar Stool video that’s posted at DIY-aGoGo.
We did the painting during a Facebook Live. You can find the long version HERE
Want to create with a similar color scheme? Here’s what we used.