Purple Monkey Manor is Back

When we left Cody, WY for San Antonio, TX, I wasn’t sure what the next step would be for Purple Monkey Manor. We moved into an apartment while we house hunted and then found a home a few months later. The week after our furniture was delivered, I was in the hospital having an emergency gallbladderectomy??. I had my gallbladder out. We hosted lots of company in the next few months and opted for maintaining a somewhat clean home instead of unpacking everything. Early December, I was laying in the bed with the shivers and fever (later diagnosed as flu) and B came home early. I said “I’m so glad you’re home.” He said “are you?” He proceeded to tell me he’d been laid off. The flu diagnosis meant I didn’t have the energy to be worried.

Fast forward a few months and here we are in Indianapolis in another apartment. I’ve been looking around at antique malls in the area and decided to rent space at The Village Antique Mall in Zionsville, IN. This mall is just one mile from our new home which we move into in one week. Yay.

I brought a few of my favorite items with me and have done a bit of shopping here and there. After the move, I’ll have garage space once again and I can start work on the project pieces. So here we go again.

Purple Monkey Manor is back!!!

Watch our Facebook page as things come together.

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