Wood Cookie Christmas Ornaments

A while back, we picked up some free firewood from Facebook Marketplace. B cut it into slices and I made Wood Cookie Christmas lovely little ornaments. I made a video of the three different types and published it along with the fall JRV Business Coaching video collaboration. There are 14 videos in the playlist. The playlist is linked at the end of this post.

Wood Cookie Christmas Ornaments Three Ways

1. I stenciled the first ornament with pine cones using JRV Stencil Accessory Pack. I used a dark color and then shifted the stencil just a tiny bit and used the Pennies from Heaven Copper Liquid Patina to create a highlight of the pinecone.

2. I made the second ornament using a pyrography marker that has a low-temperature burn point. First, you write on the wood with the marker and then you burn in the design with a heat gun. It worked surprisingly well with the stencils too.

3. I painted dot art mandalas on the third set of ornaments. Mandalas are a surprising new love in my crafting world. Below, you’ll find a link to Lydia May who was my inspiration.

Products used on these ornaments:

Here’s a link to The Pyrography Marker

Lydia May YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtfL1KXl9QkNwET2iUeSjxA

Holiday Video Collaboration Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLprcXWqGeBKi1IcvYDHh2D89vRWqwEnaa

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